Dear Christine,
I hope this finds you well.
I don’t know how you throw away a 20+ year friendship so easily. How you get married and tell 2 friends in our circle that I would not be attending the wedding…. Blows my mind. Glad they knew, I had no idea. How I got to watch your bridal showers and bachelorette go down on Facebook because I am not good enough to invite but you don’t have enough balls to unfriend me or speak to me. You’re spineless and I’m better off. There was so many times I wanted to just message you and tell you F YOU. But, why should I? I was dealing with an alcoholic narcissist who was abusive mentally and physically… but you wouldn’t know. You weren’t my safe space anymore. I would reach out and get distant responses. This is how you choose to end a lifelong friendship…. Good riddance!
Fuck all the way off forever,
Mindy (in hopes you somehow read this one day)