I Hope This Finds You Well is a sanctuary for the unspoken and the unsent—it’s an anonymous digital refuge where silent messages find a voice. IHTFYW offers a cathartic release for the words we can’t say, for a million reasons.
Unburden yourself from the weight of conversations never had and the closure never found. You can share your secrets, your anger, your love, your confessions. Whether it’s a message to a past love, a friend lost, the worst ex in the world, a family member gone, or some random stranger, your words will have impact here, and all you’ll get back is freedom.
I Hope This Finds You Well is more than a collection of unsent letters; it’s a quiet community that knows the healing power of sharing the unshareable, proving that even in our most isolated moments, we are never really alone.
Started by a couple friends to share with the world.
(To reach us, please email sayhi@ihopethisfindsyouwell.com and one of our team of sorely unpaid team members will get back to you as soon as possible.)